
We have spent the last thirty years providing specialist financial advice to private and corporate clients and over this period of time we recognise that no two clients share exactly the same goals, ambitions or objectives. We start by listening to our clients, it sounds simple and obvious but from our experience this does not always happen in large financial institutions.

In order to facilitate the requirements of each client we adopt a personal approach towards financial planning and structure our services to cater for clients’ personal requirements. Initially, we undertake a full assessment of personal circumstances and identify immediate and longer term.

At Johnson Gibbs we treat our client’s financial affairs as strictly private. We consider confidentiality to be a key element in the service that we provide.

Johnson Gibbs


Worldwide investment markets and investment management is our speciality, delivering the advice that you will need to build an investment portfolio that takes advantage of the potential market gains and defending your assets in more turbulent times.


We all aspire to retire from our current job and spend a little more time on our dreams, find out how the combination of our investment expertise and advanced retirement strategies can make for a better future.

Corporate Benefits

Employee Pension, Life and Health schemes are our corporate speciality. We believe that many employees fail to receive the advice that need to make key decisions. Advice from Johnson Gibbs will in many cases vastly improve relationships between employees and the corporations that they work for.

We provide advice and a range of services for both private individuals and businesses that include global investment strategies, retirement planning and a range of corporate benefit solutions.

The range of services that we offer are continually being updated in line with both our client’s needs, changes to taxation and legislation.

We adopt a personal and individual approach towards financial planning and structure our services to cater for a clients personal requirements. Contact us to discuss the service that you are looking for and we will do our best to help you.

Your Portfolio

Johnson Gibbs ePortfolio, simply delivering up-to-date information about your assets, whenever you need it, wherever you are.

Secure Internet access, daily fund valuations and fund information are all available to provide you with the information that you need to make future financial decisions.

Johnson Gibbs Portfolio service provides the information to take advantage of changes in both worldwide financial markets and minimise the taxation of your financial assets

Our service provides a smarter, more effective and efficient way to hold your assets and manage your financial plans. Rather than spending your time working out what investments you hold and what they are worth our service moves the focus to identifying what your personal goals are and developing a strategy to achieve them.

Speak to one of our advisors now to learn more on 01926 494457

Johnson Gibbs